Dec 1, 2021 - Greg Ballora is a puppeteer and builder who has had an incredible career in the business starting out working on projects such as Timmy the Tooth, Muppets Tonight, and Spider-Man 2 through to today working on shows like Earth to Ned and Ratched. Greg has also trained new puppeteers at...
Nov 1, 2021 - The Barbarian and the Troll is a comedic puppet television series that began airing on Nickelodeon in April of 2021. Set in the the fantasy realm of Gothmoria, The Barbarian and the Troll tells the story of Brendar the Barbarian and Evan the Troll with an all puppet cast. I talk to the...
Oct 1, 2021 - Antubert Johnson saw an Aniform puppet on TV when he was a kid and made it his life goal to figure out how to build one. This episode I talk to Antubert about the history of the Aniform puppet and how he built one from scratch that he performs it regularly on the YouTube Show The Live...
Sep 1, 2021 - Colleen Smith puppeteered Brendar the Barbarian on the Nickelodeon show The Barbarian and the Troll. She also performed the sarcastic A.I. BETI on the Disney+ show Earth To Ned. Other credits include No You Shut Up!, The Happytime Murders and hundreds of live stage shows with Brian...
Aug 1, 2021 - Joey Mazzarino started as a puppeteer on Sesame Street in 1989. He’d go on to perform characters such as Murray Monster, Stinky the Stinkweed and Horatio the Elephant. He joined Sesame Street’s writing staff in 1991 and would become head writer on the show in 2009. He also co-wrote...